Analysis of Attacks Against an Educational Institution

Huseyin Cakır, Celebi Uluyol, Hüsameddin Demir, Alpaslan Durmuş


In this study, attacks on an educational institution over network were analyzed. In this study, it is aimed to guide to the other institutions in terms of security. For security reasons, the name of the institution where the work was made is not included. Fourteen-day log records obtained from the firewalls were used in examining the attacks on the institution. The attacks examined in these records are; attack method, target port, target type, service, source country and danger level. According to the results of the research, it was seen that the attacks concentrated on the sites prepared with CMS (Content Management Systems) and it was seen that the service disruption and SQL Injection attack experiments are weighted. Considering all these factors, it was determined that there are security vulnerabilities of  prepared sites by CMS and that websites need to be eliminate these shortcomings.. As a result, it is stated that institutions should take security measures against the network attacks used presenting this study analysis.


network, attack, analysis, security.

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