Pre-service Teachers’ Preparedness for Problem Posing: Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Subject Matter Knowledge

Yujin Lee, Ali Bicer, Hyunkyung Kwon, Robert M. Capraro


In the present study, researchers investigated pre-service teachers’ subject matter knowledge (SMK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) including knowledge of content and teaching (KCT) and knowledge of content and students (KCS) in problem posing. Results indicated that pre-service teachers’ SMK and KCT, SMK and KCS, as well as KCT and KCS showed statistically significant positive correlations (r (58) = .777, .728, .751 in order, p < .001) in terms of problem posing. In addition, pre-service teachers’ learning experience of problem posing statistically significantly positively influenced their SMK (b = .508, t (55) = 4.371, p < .001) and PCK (b = 17.458, t (55) = 3.992, p < .001). On the other hand, their teaching experience of problem posing did not influence either SMK or PCK. These findings showed the strong relationships among teacher knowledge subscales and the importance of learning experience of problem-posing education in undergraduate-level for pre-service teachers.


problem posing, subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, pre-service teachers

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