Experiences of Six Asian International Graduate Students in Online Courses

Ji Soo Leem, Chi Yun Moon, Patricia J. Larke


This study explored online experiences of six Asian international graduate students in the United States (U.S.). The qualitative research study used a narrative analysis approach that collected data from semi-structured interviews. Three major themes emerged: (1) classroom differences, (2) positive attitude toward online courses and (3) sociocultural experiences in online courses. The key findings were: a)participants shared differences between their teacher centered instructional delivery in their home county to student centered instructional delivery in the U.S.; b) most participants had positive experiences in online classes when it comes to flexibility and convenience, but wanted more opportunities to interact directly with instructors and classmates; and c) participants felt a sense of belonging when there were inclusiveness from professors and classmates.


Academic Experience, Social Cultural Experience, Asian Students, Online Courses

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